Your goals are our mission
Our clients have worked hard for their wealth. We work with individuals and families to identify and prioritize their goals. We feel that, taking a holistic view allows us to better align our client’s assets with their goals, creating better investment experiences and peace of mind.

100% Independent and Employee Owned
We believe in the power of independence. We are 100% independent and employee owned. Our open architecture investment platform allows for us to consider and select from a wide variety of investment opportunities.

Fiercely Fiduciary
Selecting your team of trusted advisors is important. We embrace the role as our client’s fiduciary. We act on behalf of our clients, putting their interests ahead of ours, with a duty to preserve good faith and trust.

What Matters
Client experience matters. We strive to be our clients most responsive service provider. This includes client collaboration and user-friendly technologies - built upon a culture of service.
Fees matter. No one likes fees. We focus on real returns – the return of your investments after taxes, inflation and fees.
Experience matters. Our team is built with experience in mind.
Contact us
(949) 989-2527
Filigree Wealth Advisors
530 Technology Drive, Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618